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Frequently asked questions

When people join Poole Radio Yacht Club (PRYC) we get a complete spread, from very experienced helms to complete novices. The club welcomes all levels of sailors and is here to help you on your journey to enjoying this wonderful sport. These FAQs will hopefully help you hit the ground running, but please feel free to ask if something is not covered here.

Who is the class Captain and Vice Captain?
All the Class Captains, Vice Captains and committee members are listed on the club website. When you join the club the Class Captain of the class you are interested in joining will get in contact and answer any questions you might have.


How will I get information about the class?
The Class Captain, or Vice-Captain will send out emails from time to time. Some classes have a WhatsApp group for sharing information too. The WhatsApp groups are a particularly useful way to send out group messages, ask for help or advice etc. If you wish to join the group, please contact the Class Captain, or Vice-Captain.


How do I know when to race?
There is racing on nearly every day of the week. Please check the club website for the days and times your chosen class races.


How does a race day work?
It’s best to arrive at the lake in good time to check that you have the correct rig on, check your boat setup and sailing conditions.
Before the start of racing please ensure you sign in by entering your name and sail number onto the results sheet on the starter trolley. This is where the course will be shown too and which way the marks are to be rounded. Ask other sailors where the buoys for the course are. Generally, all marks are port rounding’s (anti-clockwise), but sometimes there is a starboard rounding. Again, this will be indicated on the start trolley.
If there are 8 helms racing, you will be allocated to do Race officer (RO) duties for one race, so make a note of when you are due to complete your duties. When there are more than 8 helms racing, race observers will be paired up with a race officer, to ensure everyone does a duty. If you are new and have not done race duties before do not fear! Ask to be paired with an experienced person if there are more than 8 people racing. Please also refer to the ‘Race Officer for beginners’ guide on the club website, which will also give you a good start.
The aim is always to have 8 races each race day. The first race will start when the race officer starts the one-minute count down. Ensure you are near the start line in good time.
After each race, it’s good practice to check you have been recorded on the results sheet, just in case the race officer missed you. Also, if you are fortunate to finish first, always help the race officer count the other boats in, particularly if they are on their own!
Once the racing finishes for the day please muck in and help put things away. Same applies if you are there early. Many hands make light work!


Are there racing rules to abide by?
Yes, there are. We sail to the ‘Racing rules of Sailing’, the same rules as real yachts race to, except Appendix E applies, which are specific variations for radio sailing. There is a hard copy of the rules in the clubhouse. You can also find them on the internet too.
If you haven’t raced before, the rule book can be a bit daunting - don’t let this put you off! As long as you know a few rules of the road (e.g. the difference between port and starboard) come and race. The main advice for a beginner is to avoid colliding with other boats, if possible. The MYA (Model Yacht Association) has a useful beginners guide
MYA racing rules for beginners which is more than enough to get you going.
We are governed by the MYA and there is a lot of useful information on their website too. Our race days also abide by the
MYA Standard Sailing instructions (SSI), but there is also an appendix of exceptions that are specific to our club. Please take time to familiarise yourself with this over time.

How do I get a race number for my boat?
All the classes racing at PRYC have their own class association. If your boat is new, you will need to contact your association to get a race number. There are links on the PRYC website to all the relevant associations. The number might be 4 digits long, but you only need to put the last two digits on your sails (3 if your number clashes with another boat already racing in the fleet).
If your boat is second hand, you should still contact the class association and let them know that you are now the keeper of that boat.


Can I modify my boat?
All the different classes have their own rules, which control what you can and can’t do to your boat. Again, check your Class association website for the latest class rules.


Do I need to join the MYA?
You only need to join the MYA if you intend to race in National events. If you intend to do this, contact the club secretary and they will arrange a membership for you. At the time of writing this the membership subs are £10 per annum.


Can I get help with learning this sport?
Most certainly. Experienced helms are always willing to help new members get their boat going better, and help with general sailing etc. We all want people to improve, the fleet get stronger, and everyone enjoy competitive racing. So, it’s in everyone’s interest to help new inexperienced members. Some of us are also happy to meet at the lake outside of racing times for a bit of practice.


Are there refreshments available?
Yes, there is. Tea, coffee, and cakes are generally available in the club house. Please place £1 per item in the honesty box.


Are there toilets?
There is a toilet in the back corner of the boat house.


Where do I go to see the days race results?
The days race results are published on the club website (under the Club Racing menu) as soon as possible after racing. When they are published, a WhatsApp is generally sent to the group, for the classes that have a group.

Hopefully, these FAQs are a good start and we look forward to seeing you at the lake. If in doubt please ask, other members will always try to help. Happy sailing!!

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